Contact Us


100 Hauppauge Road~Commack, New York ~ (631) 499-0915
Fax (631) 499-1150

Member of the
Union of
Reform Judaism
Temple Beth David is a Reform congregation in Commack, NY, which serves over 700 families. Established in 1961, the congregation's membership draws from many communities in Western Suffolk County, New York.  

Temple Beth David is a:
House of Worship: Our Rabbis and Cantor lead Shabbat and holiday services, as well as officiate for life-cycle events.
House of Study: We believe in the concept that Jewish learning should be a lifelong endeavor and offer a variety of educational programs, including Nursery School, Religious School, lectures, adult classes, on-line courses and family learning programs.
House of Gathering: Our various auxiliaries provide multiple opportunities for members of our congregation to gather together to do mitzvot, learn, or be with friends.

Please look around our website to learn more about our congregation. For more information about our congregation, or to inquire about membership, please contact our administrator, Diane Wiener at:

(631) 499-0915 x10 or



Early Childhood
Learning Center's Registration
for fall 2010 has begun
call for more details
631-499-0915 ext. 16




  October 17, 2006